Los Angeles, CA. Westside Pacific Villages is a nonprofit organization in LA that helps older adults stay in their own homes. For many senior citizens, the pandemic has exacerbated the feeling of seclusion. The majority of senior citizens feel uncomfortable shopping at their local grocery stores, ordering online, or running errands. That is where the Westside Pacific Village volunteers step in. Instead of driving the senior citizens to the grocery store, Westside Pacific Villages organized pickups and deliveries to the resident’s homes as seen above.

While the pandemic has increased the amount of isolation that senior citizens experience on a day-to-day basis there has been an influx of volunteers who have stepped up to the plate to deliver food and assist residents while maintaining social distancing and adhering to all Los Angeles County regulations.

“We have fared very well, during the pandemic. When this all hit. We not only canceled the social activities, but rides to the grocery store, YMCA, and weekly hair appointments,” says Executive Director Carol Kitabayashi. Prior to the pandemic, Westside Pacific Village hosted, art workshops, exercise classes, and social events. Since March of 2020, the organization has been using virtual platforms to communicate. Weekly phone calls are being held to assist the senior citizens with this process so that they can communicate on a consistent basis with other members. The virtual volunteer lead activities include tea & chat, Thanksgiving holiday events, New Year’s Eve celebration, book club, and baking. With the virtual session’s kids, grown-ups and seniors have all been joining in on the fun.

WPV’s mission has always been focused on supporting the oldest residents in our community by enabling them to remain active and engaged in the homes and neighborhoods they love, combating another serious health risk and epidemic for seniors, social isolation, and loneliness. With the closure of many non-essential facilities and L.A. County’s Safer at Home Order, the vital social components of WPV such as transportation services, social activities/events, and in-person friend visits have been interrupted. As a result, WPV quickly adjusted by placing a heavier emphasis on: (1) increased phone communication through its existing Call a Neighbor CAN Program, and (2) running errands, another exiting program benefit, through contactless delivery services.

Westside Pacific Villages is a nonprofit organization that helps older adults stay in their own homes. Some have mistaken the organization for being a senior care facility, but Westside Pacific Villages is a community-based nonprofit, driven by dedicated volunteers who go directly to the senior citizen’s residence to assist them. Unlike many non-profits who are based solely in the communities that they serve. Kitabayashi explains, “Westside Pacific Villages is a part of a nationwide phenomenon with about three-hundred similar organizations.” The model is simple, volunteers go out into their local communities to provide basic assistance; anything from changing a lite bulb, driving to a doctor’s appointment, or delivering groceries. A community spanning from the East to West coast. This simple yet highly effective model continues to cultivate unity throughout the Los Angeles communities they serve.

Here’s a video about the program:

Rodney is a WPV volunteer and donor. He’s also helping to promote the 2021 WPV Calendar.

From Westside Pacific Villages:

As we age, we learn to differentiate and recognize the difference between being physically alone vs. being lonely. As we go through life, we can sometimes forget about the ones who came before us. The ones who paved the way. Westside Pacific Villages is a fantastic organization shining the light on and supporting forgotten communities throughout Los Angeles. The Westside Pacific Villages program is currently FREE of cost. The organization is looking for ways to broaden opportunities for all senior citizens in varying income brackets in the future. If you know anyone who is in need during this trying time or looking for ways to donate call: (310) 695-7030 or click HERE!