Cyberbullying Concerns Grow As Kids Spend More Time Online During Pandemic

Cyberbullying Concerns Grow As Kids Spend More Time Online During Pandemic

Los Angeles, CA. The pandemic has turned school into a virtual experience for millions of kids and researchers say it has given cyberbullies more opportunities to attack others. Speak Out Against Bullying Inc., is trying to do something about it. The organization is a nonprofit dedicated to bringing, “social and civic changes to inspire a call to action against bullying and cyberbullying through public advocacy, prevention, and awareness.”

Hundreds of kids attend a Speak Out Against Bullying workshop before the pandemic.

When asked how the organization is fairing during the pandemic, Executive Director, Monica Harmon says, “It has been a struggle for a lot of nonprofits. I have seen some of my friends go under. I am thankful to our partners and volunteers who have continued to support our mission. ” Like many organizations, Speak Out Against Bullying Inc. had to pivot day-to-day operations to sustain its mission. Prior to the pandemic, the organization was bringing awareness by hosting in-person auditorium-sized workshops, holiday events, and giveaways. Now, the Speak Out Against Bullying team is hosting zoom meetings, making phone calls and sending out emails to stay up to date with families.

A pre-pandemic Speak Out Against Bullying workshop

Speak Out Against Bullying Inc. tries to bring joy to the children it serves.  For the 2020 Speak Out Against Bullying Toy Giveaway, organizers didn’t know if they were going to receive enough donations, due to the financial strains many Los Angeles families were, and are, experiencing. Monica Harmon used her extensive civil service and law enforcement background to partner with six Los Angeles Police Department organizations. Last year’s toy drive received a record-breaking 3,000 toys. How do you safely give thousands of toys to the children? With the help of community partners. Speak Out Against Bullying organized a grab-and-go, drive-through, and delivery service.

Speak Out Against Bullying 2020 Toy Giveaway

On Valentine’s Day the organization partnered with Watts Community Core Group. Hosting a Valentine’s Day event at Nickerson Gardens for the children. Nickerson Gardens was featured in the Netflix film “A Week in Watts.”

Monica Harmon has spoken with thousands of youth since 2013. Prevention and confidence-building start at home she explains, “The positive thing about the COVID-19 pandemic is that it gives a break to the victims who are being bullied physically and mentally. They don’t want to go to school. The students prefer virtual learning so they do not have to face the bullying from the peers.” She has received many calls from parents regarding their children. With the new administration and a plan to steadily roll out the vaccine; the anticipation of going back to school for many students is causing unease. If you would like to find out more information about, donation or volunteer opportunities please visit Speak Out Against Bullying Inc.

Here’s a video about National Bullying Prevention Month 

From Speak Out Against Bullying Inc.:

Speak Out Against Bullying Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit for social and civic changes to inspire a call to action against bullying/cyberbullying through public advocacy, prevention, and awareness.  We have provided education and resources to tens of thousands.  Working with our community partners of schools, students, parents, educators, law enforcement, businesses, elected officials, and neighborhood councils, our highly-touted public safety program teaches how to identify, prevent and speak out safely about bullying/cyberbullying.   We advocate for a safe school campus that is respectful, tolerant, and inclusive.

Speak Out Against Bullying Inc. was founded in 2013 by Monica Harmon a Public Safety Advocate for over 30 years.  

Ms. Harmon has been a guest speaker on Public Safety issues, bullying, cyberbullying, social media, Safe School Campus, and community issues.  Speaker engagements include Public Policy Exchange “Tackling Bullying in California Schools,”  California Association of Student Council’s Youth Action Summit, Special Needs Network Youth Bullying Summit at USC, Fox Studios “Future Professionals”, AEG Worldwide’s “Bring Your Child to Work Day,” Riverside Medical Foundation’s 1st Annual Anti Bullying Conference.

Speak Out Against Bullying Inc. was honored by Los Angeles City Council with a resolution signed by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin and all City Council members.  Ms. Harmon is a community organizer, community outreach specialist, community policing advocate, and believes in community engagement and investment.   

Optimist Youth Homes and Family Services Continues Important Work With At-Risk Foster Youth

Optimist Youth Homes and Family Services Continues Important Work With At-Risk Foster Youth

Los Angeles, CA. “It has been a difficult time, to say the least,” says Silvio Orlando, CEO of Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services. During the beginning of the pandemic, purchasing personal protective equipment was no easy feat. Still, resident students have been able to stay on campus while taking classes remotely. Prior to the pandemic, they’d walk from class to class, as seen above. Online learning is one of the many challenges faced by the organization. However, Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services remains devoted to the mental, educational, and physical wellbeing of all the foster children, young adults, and families they serve.

Welcome to Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services

Covid-19 continues to impact the lives of millions of American schoolchildren, including the at-risk and foster youth at Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services.

Optimist Youth Home & Family Services is still serving the community for many years.

In June of 2020, Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services was forced into lockdown when several students and staff members became infected. “The virus not brought in by a student but a staff member,” says Silvio. Continuously educating the staff on Covid-19 and how to prevent the spread remains a top priority. Since the outbreak staff have become more compliant. Working with the Public Health Department and County to ensure the health and safety of students and staff has been a tremendous success. The Public Health Department stated Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services was “doing great.” There have been no outbreaks since.

Foundation grants have been made more readily available and leniency has been given during this time. While cash donations have not seen an increase, non-cash donations have. The non-cash supplies have included face masks and hand sanitizers.

Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services have a lot of committed mentors and volunteers who work with and for the students. Unfortunately, “volunteers would like to be involved at this time,” says Silvio but due to the safety measures put in place for the children and staff, no volunteers have been allowed.

“We are coping, and our spirits continue to stay high,” as the holiday season is around the corner and major events such as the Mentor Award Gala maybe postponed or canceled. “Major events that raise money are no more,” says Silvio. The decline in monetary donations has sparked the robust creativity by Annie Nuttall, Chief Advancement and Communications Officer and staff leading to new opportunities such as drive-in events, and this year’s Holiday Wish List.

Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services continues to combat the stigmas surrounding mental health. Highly trained therapists provide a variety of integral therapeutic services tailoring to each person’s needs. Offering a wide variety of residential and community therapy programs. These programs are essential to the development and well-being of the children, young adults, and families they serve. Outpatient therapists have been a vital resource during the pandemic. Therapy sessions over zoom have worked exceedingly well. Virtual therapy sessions are safer and some clients find the alternative more enjoyable. Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services is working to keep the virtual services and outreach on mental wellness, well into the future even after the pandemic.

Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services campus building.

From Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services:

With your help, Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services can continue to provide, care for and transform the lives of the at-risk foster youth, children,  young adults, and the families in the community they serve.

Our mission is to provide innovative and individualized treatment, education, and support services to children, young adults and families to better their lives.
Optimist envisions a world where all children, young adults, and families will have the opportunity to receive the care and support they need to succeed.

Visit Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services for more information. Also, see their donation page, and this year’s Holiday Wish List.


Saffyre Sanctuary Needs Help to Continue Giving Neglected Horses A Second Chance

Saffyre Sanctuary Needs Help to Continue Giving Neglected Horses A Second Chance

Los Angeles, CA. Saffyre Sanctuary is a horse rescue and rehabilitation program which cares for horses that have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. Today it’s facing challenges on every front. Volunteers and donations have declined, but the cost of operating Saffyre Sanctuary remains the same. It’s one of the many organizations that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit hard. Esta Bernstein Founder and C.E.O of Saffyre Sanctuary, explains, “It has been very challenging. Our donations have decreased by approximately 75% and with the quarantine restrictions set in place we have not been able to bring in volunteers we need.” The sanctuary saw a dramatic decline in weekly volunteers from 12 down to approximately 2-3 volunteers a week.

Esta Bernstein continues to work to keep the doors of the sanctuary open during the global pandemic. Saffyre Sanctuary was recently granted a U.S Small Business Loan, offered to nonprofits for sustainability purposes during the pandemic. The organization’s outdoor facility has provided Saffyre Sanctuary with an opportunity to partner with the City of Los Angeles Departments Rehabilitation Program. “The City of Los Angeles partners with another organization that pays students who recently graduated minimum wage to volunteer at the sanctuary.” This is a great volunteer opportunity for both the recent graduates to gain valuable work experience and the organization to continue operations.

Further positive developments that have emerged during the pandemic include increasing sanctuary locations. Esta Bernstein is in discussions with property owners looking to help the organization expand their mission by providing remote satellite locations for the rescued horses. She is hoping to have negotiations finalized this year.  Expansion comes at a cost, the average monthly expense for one horse not excluding veterinary, chiropractic, supplements and dietary feed is $850.00 a month. Saffyre Sanctuary offers a Virtual Forster Care Program that allows individuals to sponsor a horse rescue. “Taking in horses won’t do any good if they don’t have money to feed them. We must develop a new foothold in the community,” said Esta Bernstein.

Foster Care Program: Lakota (which means friend) is a 15 year old Thoroughbred Gelding. Blind in one eye, he has been living at Saffyre Sanctuary since July 15th, 2012. Photo by Esta Bernstein.

Horse rehabilitation and healing of the soul is what the founder of Saffyre Sanctuary, Esta Bernstein is all about. One of the programs that Saffye Sanctuary offers is Equalia Actualization program. This program builds the bridge between the people in the community and the rescued horses. This experience allows for people of all ages including the physically impaired, to heal spiritually and emotionally along with the horses who to have experienced trauma.

Saffyre Sanctuary continues to rehabilitate mentally and physically abused horses with the help of committed staff, donors and volunteers during the pandemic. Esta continues to look forward to a brighter future for the health and wellness of the rescued horses and community members.  “When you ask for nothing you receive everything, says Esta Bernstein Founder and C.E.O.

From Saffyre Sanctuary:

Saffyre Sanctuary, located in Los Angeles, California, is a horse rescue and rehabilitation program that cares for horses that have been abandoned, abused, or neglected.  By allowing them to rediscover their true nature, we provide every opportunity for them to experience the possibility of enjoying a second career, or offer them a well-deserved retirement due to soundness issues, age, or owner hardships. Saffyre Sanctuary Mission: To rescue and rehabilitate horses and heal the world we share!

For more information on the organization please visit:

Saffyre Sanctuary 

Saffyre Sanctuary – YouTube Channel

What’s Good!: Saffyre Sanctuary Spectrum News 1